Maquiador de celebridades Rico Tavares morre aos 46 anos após acidente no Rio de Janeiro
Renowned celebrity makeup artist Rico Tavares has tragically passed away at the age of 46 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tavares, who was involved in a fatal accident three weeks ago, succumbed to his injuries at the Hospital Geral Alberto Torres in São Gonçalo.
The news of Tavares’ passing has left the entertainment industry in mourning, with celebrities taking to social media to express their grief. Actress Regina Casé fondly remembered Tavares as she shared memories of their time together, including moments with her son and on film sets.
Actor Lúcio Mauro Filho also paid tribute to Tavares, highlighting his talent and the impact he had on those around him. Other celebrities, such as Danni Suzuki and Paula Miller, shared their heartfelt condolences and memories of the makeup artist.
Tavares was known for his work with a number of prominent artists, including Dani Suzuki, Letícia Spiller, and Isis Valverde. His talent and warm personality endeared him to many in the industry, and his presence will be sorely missed.
As the entertainment world mourns the loss of Rico Tavares, fans and colleagues are encouraged to follow Metrópoles Fun on Instagram for the latest updates on celebrity news and entertainment.