Baby Reindeer in Real Life


Celebridades e Stalking: Os Perigos da Perseguição Obsessiva

A miniseries “Bebê Rena” has brought attention to the crime of stalking, as it portrays the story of a comedian being pursued by an obsessive fan. This series has shed light on the dangers of stalking, a crime that can happen to anyone but is particularly prevalent among celebrities due to their high media exposure.

Stalking is defined as repeatedly pursuing someone, threatening their physical or psychological integrity, and invading their privacy. It is a crime punishable by law, as stated in the Brazilian Penal Code.

Victims of stalking are advised to immediately seek help from the authorities and take measures to protect themselves online, as stalkers often use fake profiles to harass their victims.

Several celebrities have been targets of stalking, including Madonna, Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, and Lily Allen. These stars have faced threats, break-ins, and other forms of harassment from obsessed fans.

The series “Bebê Rena” serves as a reminder of the real-life dangers of stalking and the importance of raising awareness about this issue. It highlights the need for stricter laws and measures to protect individuals from such intrusive and threatening behavior.


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